Welcome to Kwiat Designs.
Raised in a small town west of Ottawa, Ontario, I wasn't always able to be my true self. However, I was lucky enough to have some very strong people in my family that encouraged expression and freedom of thought. I will always be grateful to them for being my guidance and support. As a young child, I was taught the techniques to sketch, write, dance or do anything that allowed my mind to project itself into something physical. It's so important to have people like that in our lives.
How lamp design came about ?... One day while trying to decorate a room, I became frustrated at the bland selection and mass production in lighting. I didn't want just a light in a room but rather something beautiful during the day while the light was off and then have it transcend into something more at night. So, I got the idea to make my own.
After a year of researching, learning and shadowing some amazing Trades people, I finally had the tools needed to start my first lamp. In the middle of building, I began to think of all the people who had helped me and with every single piece I chose, painted, molded, stitched and glued... a character took shape. Each lamp is created with its own personality and story, which is why they are all named.
Within this site you will be able to explore my creative process and finished works.